Friday, July 01, 2011

Branch-Per-Feature: Successful Transitions/Cleanup Between Sprints


Branch-per-feature is the discipline of beginning every feature branch for a given sprint off exactly the same commit (typically, the first commit of the sprint). The strict enforcement of isolation between features quickly reveals the bad habits of dependencies we build between multiple features, and forces us to ask the right questions of how to keep our features independent.

Some benefits of branch-per-feature:
  • dev: proper isolation of code changes; breaking bad habits of code dependencies between branches
  • dev: embracing granularity of code changes
  • dev/QA: (almost) painless merging
  • QA: ability to assemble a release made up only of branches that are ready
(For more details, see: Branch-Per-Feature using the Total Integration Total Isolation Principle.)

Successful Transitions (Cleanup) Between Sprints
The focus of this blog post is more narrow: to define the steps involved in successful transitions between sprints/releases when using branch-per-feature to manage the release.

We've been working out the logistics for this recently at work, under the guidance of @martinaatmaa and @adymitruk. What this looks like:

Over the course of a given sprint, each feature is branched off a common commit from the start of the sprint. As each feature reaches a point of stability and completion, it is merged back into an integration branch (named something like projectname-dev). When qa is ready to test, all features to be tested are folded into a qa branch (named something like projectname-qa). Upon release, the projectname-qa branch is merged into master, and tagged as the release branch for that sprint. Now that the code has been released, the feature branches for that sprint are no longer required. They are cleaned up (deleted), although the underlying commits are kept.

Examples and screenshots illustrating this process are shown below.

To begin the next sprint, a new empty commit is created and tagged something like start-sprint2. Each feature is created off that starting commit.

Early in the sprint, if it is determined that a scaffolding commit is necessary to hold some common architecture to be used by all features, a new scaffolding-only feature is created for that purpose. The scaffolding feature branch becomes the new starting point of the commit, with all features branching off that pre-requisite feature.

Feature Branch Naming
The tools we are using to achieve this are git and JIRA (with the Greenhopper plugin). For feature branch naming, we use the JIRA ticket names. For example, a project whose tickets are named PAYGATE-265, PAYGATE-286 would have corresponding git feature branch names (paygate-265, paygate-286).
Note   If a scaffolding feature is required in the sprint, the scaffolding branch will have a normal branch name (paygate-262) and all subsequent commits can indicate the dependency in their name (paygate-265-d-262, paygate-286-d-262).
Practise Scenario
To practise my skills in branch-per-feature at home, I've been using Ubuntu, rails, git, and a local install of JIRA/Greenhopper. The project used for this practise is the book Ruby on Rails 3 Tutorial. I've broken out the chapter contents into individual features as JIRA tickets. The JIRA project is broken up into very small sprints (1 weekend worth of work per sprint, probably 4-6 hours at most.)

The rest of this blog entry demonstrates branch-per-feature using this simple project, as we fold the features of sprint 1 into an integration branch, then a qa branch, and finally a release branch. We then clean up the old branches and begin work on sprint 2 features, with each one branching off the starting commit of sprint 2.

Here is a screenshot of sprint 1 in JIRA. Each ticket in this sprint has been implemented as a feature branch in git:

To complete the sprint (and its related release), I perform 3 steps:
  • merge all the tickets into the integration branch (rails-dev) and test the code
  • upon success, merge all passing features into the QA branch (rails-qa) and test the code
  • upon success, merge rails-qa into master and tag it as the release. 
Here's the gitk view:

With the sprint completed, its time to go back to JIRA (with Greenhopper plugin) to verify that everything in sprint 1 is closed, and that remaining story points are at 0, followed by setting up and prioritizing sprint 2:

Now that sprint 2 is prepared, its time for the dev team to begin coding. I switch to the JIRA/Greenhopper task board view, and drag my first ticket LRNRAILS-15 to In Progress:

To begin work on the dev tickets, we need to first set up the new sprint 2 in git. I begin by creating an empty commit off the release/master branch. To do this, I checkout the tag release-lrnrails-sprint1 (or master branch). To create the new commit of an empty branch:

git commit --allow-empty

I then tag it with a name such as start-lrnrails-sprint2.

git tag start-lrnrails-sprint2

Since this is the commit that all features will originate from, I will also move my integration (rails-dev) and QA branches (rails-qa) to this commit (by checking out eadch branch and then using git reset --hard start-lrnrais-sprint2 to point them at the starting commit).

Finally, we need to CLEAN UP (remove) all of the sprint 1 feature branches as they are no longer needed. At work we relied on @adymitruk's bash scripts to construct the delete commands that clear out both the local and remote branches. I tried this with my project at home, and got it to work successfully.

For example, given that I want to delete branch jira-lrnrails-5, my local and remote commands would be:

git branch  -D jira-lrnrails-5
git push origin :jira-lrnrails-5

To achieve this for all branch-per-features which were merged into the release, I checkout the release-lrnrails-sprint1 tag (or master branch), and then run the following commands, first as preview (using echo to verify the commands):

git branch --merged | grep lrnrails -i | xargs -i{} echo git branch -D {}

and then the actual execution of the commands:

git branch --merged | grep lrnrails -i | xargs -i{} git branch -D {}

Then, the same for the remote branches:

git branch -r --merged | grep lrnrails -i | cut -d '/' -f 2 | xargs -i{} echo git push origin :{}
git branch -r --merged | grep lrnrails -i | cut -d '/' -f 2 | xargs -i{} git push origin :{}

Now, with all of the branch-per-features deleted for sprint1, the view is much cleaner in gitk:

Now I  am ready to begin work on sprint 2. I checkout the starting point commit for this sprint:

git checkout start-lrnrails-sprint2

and then create my feature branch off that starting commit:
git checkout -b jira-lrnrails-15

I then proceed to write the code for this feature. At a certain point, I will do one-or-more commits for this feature branch:git add . -A
git commit -m "LRNRAILS-15 Adding variables to the views"

With the feature branch commited, I am ready to test my integration branch for the first time. I check out the integration branch (myprojectname-dev) and then do a git merge --no-ff against the new feature branch:

git merge --no-ff jira-lrnrails-15

This gives me my first integration branch merge of sprint 2:

From here, the second (and subsequent) sprints can move forward using branch-per-feature to properly isolate code changes, and to enable QA to assemble release packages based on a specifically chosen subset of verified features.


Mark Needham said...

Interesting! It looks pretty complicated with all the different branches you have to create. I'm sure I'd screw up with all those different names.

Curious which problem you had which led to you using the branch per feature approach?

We only develop on master pretty much and it seems to work reasonably well - I havent seen any problems with taking that approach but presumably it didn't work out for you hence the new approach?

Would be interested in knowing why

Unknown said...

Hi Dave,

Thanks for putting this post together. It illustrates very well the process and the motivation for doing it.

A couple of comments:


At the start of an iteration, create a feature branch for the scaffolding. Once it's at a point that it can be used by other subsequent features, merge it back onto the integration branch. The start of sprint marker can then be placed at this merge commit instead.

Sprint cleanup

Theoretically speaking, when a sprint is done, we could also nuke the -dev (integration) and -qa (RC) branches. The reason we do not do so is becuase we treat those as "long running" branches, only for the fact that we have some other infra that relies on them (e.g. the CI server).

If our build server were smarter, for instance, we could configure it to automagically treat all branches with name *-dev as an integration branch, and create a build configuration for it accordingly (same for *-qa, etc). Were this the case, we could get away from having explicit "start of commit" commit markers, and just rely on the branch name (e.g. "jira-lrnrails-sprint2-dev").

Interestingly enough, TeamCity 6.5 has some initial support (personal builds for DVCS), so it will only get better from here.

Unknown said...


"Interesting! It looks pretty complicated with all the different branches you have to create. I'm sure I'd screw up with all those different names."

This is a good point. If the process were to gain enough traction, we can expect to see something similar to gitflow, which is a set of scripts sitting on top of git ("porcelain") that facilitate the process, including naming, merge convention, etc.

"Curious which problem you had which led to you using the branch per feature approach?"

I suppose it depends on the complexity of your codebase, component architecture, and process.

We look at it as an enhancement to gitflow, in the sense that we are removing the "trunk based development" aspect of it.

For more info, check out the original gitflow post:

as well as @adymitruk's post on the "enhanced" version:

me said...

Hi Mark,

Sorry for the slow reply. Weeks tend to get busy and so I only get back to the blog on (intermittent) weekends.

I guess the main reason for doing this would be to have decoupling between features. If my commits are interspersed with other devs commits on other features, there is little opportunity to remove some features and keep others at release time. It even gets painful mid-sprint should I want to back out of some of my own commits (eg. because of a change of approach)--because others commits are already have established dependencies on them.

I've added a new blog post today focused less on git commands and screenshots, and more on the actual process.



me said...

Hi Martin,

Thanks for the feedback. The new TeamCity features sounds interesting. I don't mind the start-of-sprint tag usage in git though; it really stands out visually when quickly scanning the commits in gitk.

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